
I havent been posting for a while now, so I will be keeping this alive and kicking..
Going to upload this one asap..for now, some wip...
I was a bit away..so ill have to make a lot of catching up..
My work for the great In Place art book and gallery.
I made mine about a place called Thule.
please visit the link for more info.
A link for the exhibition:
A link for my work:
From the far reaches of the galaxy to the urban technological landscape, bionic arms to complex love stories, Light Grey Art Lab's exhibition Station Zero features a large diverse collection of vintage science fiction novels, that have been recreated and designed by over eighty illustrators from all over the world. Paying homage to the original illustrations, authors, and genre, each artist has reinterpreted the work creating a contemporary design and interesting exhibition of past and present work. The reception is July 19th and will remain on display until August 10th.
You can get my homage Artwork, to the book cover, Recall Not Earth by C.C. MacApp
ppl!!! Listen!! The artwork from my sneak peak is featured in this AMAZING art book!! Its a hot potatooo...
In coordination with the In Place: Wish You Were Here Exhibition (Opening on August 23rd) #LightGreyGallery have created a stunning 80 page, perfect-bound, limited edition art book. Each one is signed and numbered - and absolutely incredible.
Here is a link to the pre-order if you're interested in checking it out! The book is $25 and features the work of 50 international illustrators, visual development artists, and creatives came together for this project - where wide-format style illustrations span the pages alongside stories of each exotic location's cultural nuances, historical highlights and folkloric stories.
The lineup is truly amazing!

A sneak Peak from my artwork piece for In Place exhibition at Light Grey Gallery
Check it out!! COMING AUGUST 16
Its been a while since I posted new stuff, just been busy with work and stuff...a great update soon..
Meanwhile, My film (which is in where yet:D and my concept design won an award from Applied Arts Magazine, for student awards!!!
Plus, My film advanced to the semifinal stage at the ADAA Adobe Achievement awards!!!
Pretty busy time..Just the way I like it..